Policy and Administration2025-03-25T07:17:18+02:00Rasa Daugėlienėrasa.daugeliene@ktu.ltOpen Journal Systems<p>The journal <em>Public Policy and Administration</em> / <em>Viešoji politika ir administravimas</em> (ISSN 1648-2603 (<em>print</em>), ISSN 2029-2872 (<em>online</em>)) publishes the articles analyzing public policy and administration theoretical and practical problems. The academic journal <em>Public Policy and Administration</em> / <em>Viešoji politika ir administravimas</em> aims to encourage scientific research aimed at finding new theoretical and practical solutions for the formation and implementation of public policy; analyze current trends in public administration and suggest new alternatives for decision making and implementation for public administration practice; contribute to the improvement of the research methodology in the field of public policy; ensure effective dissemination of scientific knowledge by publishing relevant up-to-date research and conference materials.</p> <p><strong>Scopus:</strong> SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 0,409 (2019)</p> Municipal Responsiveness Through AI-powered Image Analysis in E-Government2025-01-08T15:03:38+02:00Catalin<p><em>Integration of Machine Learning (ML) techniques into public administration marks a new and transformative era for e-government systems. While traditionally e-government studies focused on text-based interactions, this one explores the innovative application of ML for image analysis, an approach that enables governments to address citizen petitions more efficiently. By using image classification and object detection algorithms, the model proposed in this article supports public institutions in identifying and quickly responding to evidence submitted by citizens in picture formats, such as infrastructure issues, environmental concerns or other urban issues that citizens might face. The research also highlights the Jevons Paradox as a critical factor, wherein increased efficiency from the citizen side (especially using mobile platforms and apps) may generate higher demand which should lead to scalable and robust solutions. Using as a case study a Romanian municipality that provided datasets of citizen-submitted images, the author analysed and proved that ML can improve the accuracy and responsiveness of public institutions. The findings suggest that adopting ML for e-petition systems can not only enhance citizen participation but also speed up administrative processes, paving the way for more transparent and effective governance. This study contributes to the discourse on e-government 3.0 by showing the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to transform public service delivery, ensuring sustainable (and scalable) solutions for the growing demands of modern urban governance.</em></p>2025-03-25T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Public Policy and Administration savivaldybių tarybų narių darbotvarkės prioritetai: regioniniai skirtumai ir miesto-kaimo dichotomija2025-02-11T13:43:37+02:00Viktorija Baranauskienėbaranauskiene.viktorija@gmail.comJurga Bučaitė-Vilkėjurga.bucaite-vilke@vdu.ltAistė Lazauskienėaiste.lazauskiene@vdu.ltIeva Dryžaitė<p><em>Šiame straipsnyje siekiama išsiaiškinti Lietuvos savivaldybių tarybų narių nuostatas apie vietos valdžios darbotvarkės tikslus, t. y., kurie darbotvarkėms tikslai jiems yra prioritetiniai. Kaip tyrimo objektas pasirinkti savivaldybių tarybų nariai, išrinkti 2023 m. kovo 5 d. rinkimuose, nes prieš šiuos rinkimus pasikeitė teisinė įstatyminė bazė ir savivaldybių tarybų narių vaidmuo pasikeitė. Siekiant atsakyti į iškeltą šio tyrimo klausimą, pasitelkiama tarptautinio tyrimo „European councilor“ anketine apklausa (analizuojamas tik Lietuvos atvejis). Atlikta kiekybinių duomenų analizė atskleidė, kad vietos politikų nuostatos apie darbotvarkės prioritetus netolygiai pasiskirsčiusios po šalies teritoriją ir skirtinguose regionuose išryškėja skirtingi tradiciniai (socio-ekonominiai), teritorijų plėtros ir aplinkos kokybės gerinimo probleminiai aspektai. Taip pat analizuojant nuostatas išryškėjo centro-periferijos (miesto-kaimo) dichotomija, ypač teritorijų plėtros aspektais.</em></p> <p><strong>Priorities on the Agenda of Lithuanian Municipal Councillors: Regional Disparities and</strong> <strong>Urban-rural Dichotomy</strong></p> <p><em>Abstract</em></p> <p><em> </em><em>This paper aims to ascertain the attitudes of Lithuanian municipal councillors with regard to the objectives of the local government agenda, i.e. which objectives are considered priorities by these individuals. The object of the research was selected to be members of municipal councils elected in the 5 March 2023 elections due to the alterations to the legal framework and the role of municipal councillors that occurred prior to these elections. To address the research question, the present study utilised the questionnaire survey from the international study "European councilor" (with a focus on the Lithuanian context). The quantitative data analysis revealed that the attitudes of local politicians towards the agenda's priorities exhibited geographical variation across the national territory, with distinct traditional (socio-economic), territorial development and environmental quality improvement issues being prominent in different regions. The analysis of attitudes has also highlighted the centre-periphery (urban-rural) dichotomy, particularly in terms of territorial development.</em></p>2025-03-25T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Public Policy and Administration Remuneration in the Agriculture Sector of Ukraine from the Decent Work Perspective2024-12-09T02:29:11+02:00Svitlana Tsymbaliuktsymbaliuk_svitlana@ukr.netNataliia Vasylykalla.vasylyk@gmail.comVolodymyr Frydelvolodymyr.frydel@gmail.comArtem<p><em>Agriculture has become one of the key sectors of Ukraine’s economy. It plays a vital role in ensuring the security of the Ukrainian and global food markets. To have qualified and competent employees, an effective remuneration policy must be designed to provide decent wages. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations for the study of the remuneration policy from the point of view of the implementation of the concept of decent work and to analyze the remuneration policy in the agriculture sector of Ukraine to determine the directions for its improvement. The analysis of scientific literature, the ILO’s target priorities of decent work, and the parameters of decent pay led to the creation of a system of 31 indicators with defined standards and methodological principles for determining each of them and a methodology for calculating a composite indicator. The analysis of wages in the agriculture sector in Ukraine was carried out according to the developed indicators, and a composite indicator was calculated. The study showed that the agriculture sector belongs to the industries with the composite indicator of decent wages below the average level. It has been proven that the remuneration policy in the agriculture sector of Ukraine is currently not favorable and negatively affects the human and innovative potential of the sector. To overcome the identified problems, recommendations were made regarding the development of a remuneration policy in the agriculture sector based on the principles of decent work, namely, ensuring a decent level of wages, eliminating arrears in wages, developing a transparent remuneration policy, increasing the effectiveness of social dialogue in regulating wages, strengthening the responsibility of social partners, implementation of measures to create equal opportunities in practice.</em></p>2025-03-25T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Public Policy and Administrationčio, nesimokančio ir mokymuose nedalyvaujančio jaunimo galimybių darbo rinkoje subjektyvus vertinimas2024-06-05T20:55:09+03:00Justina Krauledaitėj.krauledaite@gmail.comRūta Brazienė<p><em>Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas nedirbančio, nesimokančio ir mokymuose nedalyvaujančio jaunimo (18-35 metų amžiaus) subjektyvus galimybių darbo rinkoje vertinimas. Nuosekliai aptariami naujausi teoriniai diskursai ir empiriniai tyrimai NEET jaunimo tematika bei pristatomi 2023 m. Lietuvoje atlikto jaunimo gyvenimiškų galimybių sociologinio tyrimo (anketinės apklausos) rezultatai. Anketinės apklauso metu išryškėjo reikalingų savybių ir galimybių gauti tinkamą darbą subjektyvus vertinimas (N=161). Įsidarbinamumo galimybes riboja neatitikimas tarp individualių asmens savybių ir asmeninių aplinkybių (įsipareigojimai šeimai, sveikatos būklė). Beveik du trečdaliai apklaustųjų pritaria, kad profesinės kompetencijos kaip aukšta profesinė kvalifikacija yra svarbūs norint susirasti tinkamą darbą. Mokslinis tyrimas atliktas įgyvendinant Lietuvos mokslo tarybos finansuojamą mokslininkų grupių projektą ,,Lietuvos jaunimo gyvenimiškų galimybių diferenciacijos socioekonominiai veiksniai Lietuvoje“ (reg. Nr. S-MIP-22-42, sutarties data 2022-03-18).</em></p> <p><strong>Subjective Assessment of Labour Market Opportunities for Young People not in Employment, Education or Training </strong></p> <p><strong> </strong><em>Abstract</em></p> <p><em>This paper examines the subjective assessment of the labour market opportunities of young people (aged 18-35) who are not in employment, education or training in Lithuania. It consistently discusses the latest theoretical discourses and empirical research on NEET youth and presents the results of a sociological study (questionnaire survey) on youth life chances conducted in Lithuania in 2023. The results of the survey (N=161) revealed a subjective perspective on the necessary qualities and opportunities for employment. The study found that employment opportunities are often limited by a mismatch between individual characteristics and personal circumstances, such as family commitments or health conditions. Nearly two-thirds of respondents agree that professional competencies, such as high professional qualifications, are important for finding a suitable job. The research was carried out within the framework of the Lithuanian Research Council-funded research project "Socio-economic factors of differentiation of life chances of Lithuanian youth in Lithuania" (reg. no. S-MIP-22-42, contract date 2022-03-18).</em></p>2025-03-25T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Public Policy and Administration Organizations Advocacy Role within Inclusive Migration Policies in The European Union’s Western Countries2024-11-10T00:08:37+02:00Gabrielė Masiulytė<p><em>The increasing role of non-governmental organizations in advocating for inclusive migration policies in the European Union Western region countries such as Germany, Spain and Italy highlight the need for a deeper understanding of their influence, strategies, and challenges. This research examines the complexities of NGO advocacy, aiming to explore the strategies used by these organizations to amplify the voices of migrants in EU policymaking processes. Through a combination of literature review, semi-structured interviews, and policy analysis. The study identifies the challenges that non-governmental organizations face, such as legal restrictions or financial limitations, and explores how addressing these challenges can inform the development of more effective strategies to enhance NGO influence on migration policies. </em></p>2025-03-25T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Public Policy and Administrationės vaizduotės raiška COVID-19 valdymui skirtuose LR Seimo debatuose2024-12-19T13:48:13+02:00Laima Zakaraitė<p><em>Tyrimo aktualumas remiasi gausiai nagrinėjama, bet neišsemiama politikos bei moralės santykio filosofija. Pagrindinė tyrimo koncepcija – moralinė vaizduotė, kurią teoretikai sieja su dvejopais subjekto gebėjimais: gebėjimu įžvelgti moralinius situacijos aspektus (įžvalga) ir gebėjimu įsivaizduoti galimybių daugį (įžvalgų kiekis), t. y. alternatyvius probleminės situacijos sprendimus iš moralinės perspektyvos. Lyginant su sprendimų priėmimu verslo valdymo sektoriuje, kur moralinė vaizduotė empiriškai nagrinėta daugiau, politinės diskusijos ir svarstymai yra platesni savo tematikomis, o jiems įtakos turi didesnis ir įvairesnis veikėjų bei idėjų ratas. Tikslas – analizuojant per įžvalgos ir galimybių daugio numatymo komponentus atrasti politiniuose debatuose moralinės vaizduotės raišką ir jos sąlygas. </em><em>Tyrimo empirinis pagrindas – su COVID-19 pandemijos valdymu susiję Seimo debatai. Tyrinėjama, kiek politikai geba įžvelgti moralinių klausimų, susijusių su nagrinėjama situacija, spektrą ir kiek plačios (ypač iš moralinės perspektyvos) yra galimų sprendimų, siūlymų išspręsti problemą, diskusijos, darant prielaidą, jog šie du moralinės vaizduotės apibrėžimais pagrįsti komponentai nusako moralinės vaizduotės kaip gebėjimo charakteristiką subjekto atžvilgiu. </em><em>Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad politiniame diskurse galima aptikti (ir toliau tyrinėti) moralinės vaizduotės komponentus, naudojant turinio teminės analizės metodą. Taip pat tyrimas atskleidė, kad galėtų būti vertingas tolesnis moralinės vaizduotės ir ideologijos sąveikos tyrinėjimas.</em></p> <p><strong>The Manifestation of Moral Imagination in the Debates of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on COVID-19 Management</strong></p> <p><em>Abstract</em></p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong><em>The relevance of the study is based on the widely studied, but inexhaustible philosophy of the relationship between politics and morality. The main concept of the study is moral imagination, which theorists associate with two abilities of the subject: the ability to see the moral aspects of a situation (insight) and the ability to imagine a multitude of possibilities (insight quantity), i.e. alternative solutions to a problematic situation from a moral perspective. Compared to decision-making in the business management sector, where moral imagination has been empirically studied more, political discussions and deliberations are broader in their topics, and they are influenced by a larger and more diverse circle of actors and ideas. The goal is to discover the manifestation of moral imagination in political debates and its conditions through the analysis of the components of insight and foresight of possibilities. The empirical basis of the study is the Seimas debates related to the management of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study examines the extent to which politicians are able to perceive the spectrum of moral issues related to the situation under consideration and how broad (especially from a moral perspective) the range of possible solutions, proposals for solving the problem, and discussions are, assuming that these two components based on definitions of moral imagination define the characteristics of the ability of moral imagination in relation to the subject. The results of the study show that it is possible to detect (and further study) components of moral imagination in political discourse using the thematic analysis of content. The study also revealed that further research into the bond between moral imagination and ideology could be valuable.</em></p>2025-03-25T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Public Policy and Administration of Application of the European Charter of Local Self-Governance for Kazakhstan: Experience of Germany and Poland2024-12-04T09:16:01+02:00Kuanysh Sabitovkuanysh_sabitov@edu-iosa.orgGulnar Rakimbayeverkinbek_rakimbayev@edu-iosa.orgKabdulsamikh Aitkhozhinkabdulsamikh_aitkhozhin@edu-iosa.orgAdam<p><em>The article aims to identify the shortcomings of local self-government in Kazakhstan and to create ways to overcome them based on the principles of the European Charter of Local Self-Government and the experience of individual states. The article highlights the main challenges faced by the state, namely financial constraints, overlapping powers, insufficient centralisation and low level of democratic participation. The author also examines the example of Poland and Germany in the context of the local self-government system and analyses the possibility of its application to the realities of Kazakhstan. The author's main focus in this study is on the steps that the government of Kazakhstan can take to bring its legislation in line with the standards and principles of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. Among them, the author identifies the following: legislative and institutional reforms; financial independence; changes in control and coordination mechanisms; decentralisation; and increased public participation.</em></p>2025-03-25T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Public Policy and Administration Transfer in EU Civilian Missions: Bureaucratic Heterarchy and Agent-driven Opportunities2025-02-17T08:30:10+02:00Paulius Klikū<p><em>This study examines the integration of emerging technologies into EU civilian Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) missions. Using Multi-Level Governance and Principal-Agent theories as initial conceptual frames, the research investigates the complexities of EU governance like bureaucratic heterarchy, and the dynamics of agent-driven opportunities. Based on interviews with European External Action Service (EEAS) staff, EU mission personnel, and EU Ministry of Foreign Affairs representatives, the findings reveal systemic obstacles such as bureaucratic irregularity, information asymmetries and expertise gaps, which hinder effective technological transfer to host countries. Despite strategic frameworks like the Civilian CSDP Compact, technological transfer remains highly uneven and fractured, relying on proactive agents operating under informal mechanisms. The study concludes that empowering proactive agents can help to advance technological integration and enhance the operational impact of civilian CSDP missions, making them more capable to support host countries.</em></p>2025-03-25T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Public Policy and Administration