The New Case of Transformations in the European Union: Integral Space Creation Processes in the Baltic Region


  • Borisas Melnikas Vilnius Gediminas Technical University


integration; transformations; unified social, economic, technological space; Baltic region.


The new case of transformations in the Baltic region and in the European Union in general, as well as
the unified social, economic and technological space formation processes in the Baltic region are described
and analysed. These processes are comprehended as an important factor of further social, economic and
technological modernization in the Baltic countries, as an precondition for more intensive and active integration
of Baltic economic systems into the European and global economic and technological structures, as
well as an knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation factor.
The arguments determining the idea of the Baltic region community and unity, as well as opposing
arguments are evaluated. The main principles of integration in the Baltic region, as well as the possible
integration strategies are analysed. The unified social, economic and technological space in the Baltic
region as an research area is described.
Raktaþodþiai: integracija, transformacijos, vieninga socialinë, ekonominë,technologijø raidos erdvë,
Baltijos regionas





