A New Check System of Cost Estimation of Project Designs in Japan’s Local Governments


  • Nobuo Nishi Tokyo City University
  • Masaru Minagawa Tokyo City University




incorrect cost estimation; pointing and calling; local governments in Japan; verification method; organization management; human resources development management


In Japan, “Pointing and Calling” is a known safety management method to prevent mistakes and ensure safety. This study constructed a new check system, “Verification Meeting/ Simple Verification Meeting,” that is based on the Pointing and Calling system and aims to prevent incorrect cost estimates for public works projects. It also contributes to improved staff morale and professional development. The new check system has five novel items compared with conventional cost estimation verification methods. The proposed system was put into actual use in Japan, during which time necessary improvements were made. As a result, there were no mistakes in cost estimation for about three years at the Port and Harbor Bureau of a certain city in Japan where the first author of this study worked. The system was further refined and could be adapted for use by all local governments, including those with few staff members.

Author Biographies

Nobuo Nishi, Tokyo City University

Nobuo Nishi works as a civil engineer and assistant manager in a local government in Japan. He also attends graduate school at Tokyo City University. His research interests are construction management and civil engineering.

E-mail: g1891611@tcu.ac.jp

Nobuo Nishi yra as a miestų inžinierius ir projektų koordinatorius vietos savivaldoje Japonijoje. N. Nishi yra Tokijo miesto universiteto doktorantas, tyrinėjantis statybų vadybą bei miestų inžinerijos klausimus.

El. paštas: g1891611@tcu.ac.jp

Masaru Minagawa, Tokyo City University

Masaru Minagawa is the vice president and a professor of the Department of Civil and Urban Engineering, Tokyo City University. His research interests are construction management, disaster management, and information technology application in civil engineering.

E-mail: minamasa@tcu.ac.jp

Masaru Minagawa yra Tokijo miesto universiteto Civilinės ir miestų inžinerijos katedros vadovas ir profesorius. Moksliniai interesai apima statybos valdymas, nelaimių valdymas ir informacinių technologijų taikymas civilinėje inžinerijoje.

El. paštas: minamasa@tcu.ac.jp





