Models of Decision-making in Governments of Lithuania: Analysis of Internal Factors
government, decision-making, factors of decision-making, models of decision-making, collegiality, cabinet, prime minister.Abstract
The decision-making process in governments is examined and the role of a number of factors which appear
to account for the characteristics of this process is discussed. The object of this article are governments of
Lithuania acting during 1990-2000. The analysis concentrates in particular on whether decisions tend to be
taken collectively, partially collectively or hierarchically and on the extent to which the decision-making model
tends to be monocratic, collective, ministerial or bureaucratic. The basic source of information was the interviews
with ministers who have served in different cabinets. The unit of analysis was an individual cabinet. A
cabinet was defined by three criteria: those of the same prime minister continuously in office, of the same party
or parties in government, and of the same legislative period