The Civil Servants Training: from National Strategy to Action
human recources managament, learning organization, lifelong learning, training needs,motivation.Abstract
The civil service in postcommunist Lithuania has been created, legally regulated and developed during the last decade of the twentieth century. The employees working there had to be radically trained at least for two reasons: the needs came from the dinamically developed system and the next package of needs indicated Lithua- nia’s attempts for integration with the European Union.
The article deals with training development for governmental employees, which is gradually becoming syste- matic and innovative. Lately there has been the training strategy of governmental employees approved. We discuss the possibility to apply the standart of learning organization in public sector. Some problems are to be solved to start to realise the training strategy: the learning has to be systematized, i.e. every civic servant has to be involved in a learning process; the forms of the trainings have to be diversified, the motivation to seek efficiency as well as needs assessment have to be improved. We analize some aspects of financing trainings in different governmental bodies and make conclusion, that there are remarkable differences between them. The need to create the national integra- ted information system of training is stated.