Law – an Important Instrument of State – Special Kind of Organizations Management


  • Fabijonas Saulius Butkus Vilnius Gediminas Technical University


law, state, organization, management, goal, mission, interest.


Some serious shortcomings of existing Lithuanian legal acts are described in the article. One of them is the
absence of work description as necessary element of work contract in the Lithuanian work contract law. Determination
of work functions , tasks and responsibilities only by occupational tittle opens a great possibilities for employer
to change the real contract requirements. Other shortcoming is considering the trade unions as the only representative
of employees in collective bargaining process. Almost total absence of collective contracts is the result of such
position of the state in the conditions of very weak and unpopular postsoviet trade unions in Lithuania.
Such situation is caused by not understanding the legal act as an organization’s management instrument
needing clear formulation of its goal. The goal of each legal act is considered by author as concillation of interests
of state as a system and its elements, or among the elements of a state.
An another problem caused by unsufficient knowledges of management science is the absence of mission formulation
in legal acts regulating establishment of different organizations. Formulation of each organization’s mission
must be based on state’s mission, declared in the Constitution of a state.
In such a situation some legal acts become a serious obstacle in developing effective management practice in
Indispensable formulation of each legal act and organization’s mission in legal acts considering establishment
of particular organization in the terms of organization product consumer’s needs at the very beginning of each
organization statute, is suggested by author as an effective mean of improving management effectivenes in all the
organizations: business and nonprofit , including the state itself.





